The History panel records the steps you take when you complete a task. Automate a frequently performed task by replaying those steps from the History panel or creating a new command that performs the steps automatically.
Certain mouse movements, such as selecting by clicking in the Document window, can’t be played back or saved. When you make such a movement, a black line appears in the History panel (the line does not become obvious until you perform another action). To avoid this, use the arrow keys instead of the mouse to move the insertion point within the Document window
Some other steps also aren’t repeatable, such as dragging a page element to somewhere else on the page. When you perform such a step, an icon with a small red X appears in the History panel.
Saved commands are retained permanently (unless you delete them), while recorded commands are discarded when you exit from Adobe® Dreamweaver® CS3, and copied sequences of steps are discarded when you copy something else