
Apply a Grow/Shrink effect

Note: You can use this effect with these HTML objects: address, dd, div, dl, dt, form, p, ol, ul, applet, center, dir, menu, or pre.
  1. (Optional) Select the content or layout object you want to apply the effect to.
  2. In the Behaviors panel (Window > Behaviors), click the Plus (+) button and select Effects > Grow/Shrink from the popup menu.
  3. Select the object’s ID from the target element pop-up menu. If you have already selected an object, choose <Current Selection>.
  4. In the Effect Duration field, define the time it takes for the effect to occur, in milliseconds.
  5. Select the effect you want to apply: Grow or Shrink.
  6. In the Grow/Shrink From box, define the object’s size when the effect starts. This is a percentage of the size or a pixel value.
  7. In the Grow/Shrink To box, define the object’s size when the effect ends. This is a percentage of the size or a pixel value.
  8. If you choose pixels for either the Grow/Shrink From or To boxes, the wide/high field becomes visible. Depending on the option you choose, the element will grow or shrink proportionately.
  9. Select whether you want the element to grow or shrink to the upper-left corner of the page or into the page’s center.
  10. Select Toggle Effect if you want the effect to be reversible, growing and shrinking with successive clicks.