After creating a DataSet to hold the search
results, you can use a DataGrid to display the information on the
On the search page, place the insertion point
where you want the DataGrid to appear.
In the Server Behaviors panel (Window > Server
Behaviors), click the Plus (+) button and select DataGrid.
The DataGrid dialog box appears.
In the ID box, enter a name for the DataGrid such as
In the DataSet pop‑up menu, select the DataSet you defined
to hold the search results.
Complete the rest of the dialog box as desired.
The following example shows a DataGrid dialog box that
creates a DataGrid with three columns and ten rows, and links to
previous and next pages of results:
DataGrid appears the first time the search page loads even if the
user hasn’t conducted a search yet. You can hide the DataGrid when
the page loads the first time.