
Find a specific record and display it on a page (ASP, JSP)

You can add a server behavior that finds a specific record in a recordset so that you can display the record data on the page. The server behavior is only available when using the ASP or JSP server models.

  1. Create a page that has the following prerequisites:
  2. Add the server behavior to find the record specified by the URL parameter by clicking the Plus (+) button on the Server Behaviors panel (Window > Server Behaviors) and selecting Recordset Paging > Move to Specific Record.
  3. In the Move To Record In pop‑up menu, select the recordset you defined for the page.
  4. In the Where Column pop‑up menu, select the column that contains the value passed by the other page.

    For example, if the other page passes a record ID number, select the column containing record ID numbers.

  5. In the Matches URL Parameter box, enter the name of the URL parameter passed by the other page.

    For example, if the URL the other page used to open the detail page is id=43, enter id in the Matches URL Parameter box.

  6. Click OK.

    The next time the page is requested by a browser, the server behavior will read the record ID in the URL parameter passed by the other page and move to the specified record in the recordset.