
Create a Spry repeat list region

You can add repeat lists to display your data as an ordered list, an unordered (bulleted) list, a definition list, or a drop-down list.

  1. Select Insert > Spry > Spry Repeat List.
    You can also click the Spry Repeat List button in the Spry category in the Insert bar.
  2. Select the container tag you want to use: UL, OL, DL, or SELECT. The other options vary depending on which container you choose. If you choose SELECT, you must define the following fields:
    • Display Column: This is what users see when they view the page in their browsers.

    • Value Column: This is the actual value sent to the background server.

    For example, you can create a list of states and show users Alabama and Alaska, but send AL or AL to the server. You can also use the SELECT as a navigational tool and show product names such as “Adobe Dreamweaver” and “Adobe Acrobat” to users, but send URLs such as “support/products/dreamweaver.html” and “support/products/acrobat.html” to the server.

  3. Choose your Spry data set from the menu.
  4. Choose the columns you want to display.
  5. Click OK to display a repeat list region on your page. In Code View, you can see that HTML <ul>, <ol>, <dl> or FORM select tags are inserted into your file.
Note: If you try to insert a repeat list region but you haven’t created a region, Dreamweaver prompts you to add one before inserting the table. All Spry data objects must be contained within regions.