- Select Insert > ASP.NET Objects >
- In the asp:RadioButtonList dialog box, set the options
as follows:
- ID
Specifies the name for the form control. The ID is required.
- Tool Tip
Specifies the text displayed when the mouse pointer hovers
over the form control in a browser.
- DataSet
Specifies the data source you want to use to populate
the items of the list control. If you don’t specify a DataSet, you
can specify one later or set the list items statically by clicking
the List Items button in the Property inspector.
- Get Labels From
specifies the field in the selected DataSet to provide
the labels of the list items.
- Get Values From
specifies the field in the selected DataSet to provide
the values of the list items.
- Select Value Equal To
specifies a value the server uses to determine which
list item is selected when the RadioButtonList is displayed in a
browser. The server compares each item’s value to the specified
value. If the values match, the matching item is selected.
- Access Key
creates a keyboard shortcut that allows users to quickly
navigate to the form control in a browser. For example, if you enter
K, the user can navigate to the control by typing Alt+K. The access
key can only consist of a single character.
- Auto Postback
indicates whether a postback to the server automatically
occurs when the user changes the list selection. Select the option
to allow postbacks.