A Menu Bar widget is a set of navigational menu buttons that display submenus when a site visitor hovers over one of the buttons. Menu Bars let you display a large amount of navigational information in a compact space, and also give visitors to the site a sense of what is available on the site without having to browse it extensively.
Dreamweaver lets you insert two kinds of Menu Bar widgets: vertical and horizontal. The following example shows a horizontal Menu Bar widget, with the third menu item expanded:
The HTML for the Menu Bar widget comprises an outer ul tag that contains an li tag for each of the top-level menu items. The top-level menu items (li tags) in turn contain ul and li tags that define submenus for each of the items, and submenus can likewise contain submenus. Top-level menus and submenus can contain as many submenu items as you like.
For a more comprehensive explanation of how the Menu Bar widget works, including a full anatomy of the Menu Bar widget’s code, see www.adobe.com/go/learn_dw_sprymenubar.
For a tutorial on creating a Spry Menu Bar, see www.adobe.com/go/vid0168.