
Web server basics

To develop and test dynamic web pages, you need a functioning web server. A web server is software that serves web pages in response to requests from web browsers. A web server is sometimes called an HTTP server. You can install and use a web server on your local computer.

If you’re a Macintosh user, you can use the Apache web server already installed on your Macintosh.

Note: Adobe does not provide technical support for third-party software such as Microsoft Internet Information Server. If you need assistance with a Microsoft product, please contact Microsoft technical support.

If you use Internet Information Server (IIS) to develop web applications, the default name of your web server is the name of your computer. You can change the server name by changing the name of your computer. If your computer has no name, the server uses the word localhost.

The server name corresponds to the server’s root folder, which (on a Windows computer) is most likely C:\Inetpub\wwwroot. You can open any web page stored in the root folder by entering the following URL in a browser running on your computer:


For example, if the server name is mer_noire and a web page called soleil.html is stored in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\, you can open the page by entering the following URL in a browser running on the local computer:


Note: Remember to use forward slashes, not backslashes, in URLs.

You can also open any web page stored in any subfolder of the root folder by specifying the subfolder in the URL. For example, suppose the soleil.html file is stored in a subfolder called gamelan, as follows:


You can open this page by entering the following URL in a browser running on your computer:


When the web server is running on your computer, you can replace the server name with localhost . For example, the following URLs open the same page in a browser:



Note: .Another expression you can use instead of the server name or localhost is (for example,