In‑product Help is available through the Help menu. After you start the Adobe Help Viewer, click Browse to see Help for additional Adobe products installed on your computer.
These Help features facilitate cross-product learning:
Topics may contain links to the Help systems of other Adobe products or to additional content on the web.
Some topics are shared across two or more products. For instance, if you see a Help topic with a Photoshop® icon and an After Effects® icon, you know that the topic either describes functionality that is similar in the two products or describes cross‑product workflows.
You can search across the Help systems of multiple products.
Adobe Help content is accessible to people with disabilities—such as mobility impairments, blindness, and low vision. In‑product Help supports these standard accessibility features:
The user can change text size with standard context menu commands.
Links are underlined for easy recognition.
If link text doesn’t match the title of the destination, the title is referenced in the Title attribute of the Anchor tag. For example, the Previous and Next links include the titles of the previous and next topics.
Content supports high-contrast mode.
Graphics without captions include alternate text.
Each frame has a title to indicate its purpose.
Standard HTML tags define content structure for screen reading or text-to-speech tools.
Style sheets control formatting, so there are no embedded fonts.