
Open the Emulator tab

The Emulator tab in AdobeĀ® Device CentralĀ® is designed to simulate content on mobile devices in a realistic way. You can test various media types such as Flash, bitmap, and video, and apply them as different content types, such as stand-alone player, wallpaper, or screen saver.

Note: Testing with the Emulator tab cuts the cost and time of testing on mobile devices, but should never replace testing on actual devices. Use Device Central for initial tests as you develop content and then use real devices for final testing.

If you are testing Flash content, for a content file to appear on the Emulator tab on a specific device, the device must support the Flash Lite version and content type that the file uses. For example, if you have a SWF file created in Flash that requires Flash Lite 2 and you try to test the file on the Emulator tab on a device that only supports Flash Lite 1.1, the file does not appear. (In this case, try going to the Available Devices list, group the devices by Flash Lite version, and double-click one of the devices that supports Flash Lite 2.)

 Do one of the following:
  • From Adobe Device Central, select File > Open, navigate to a file, and double-click the file.

  • In a supported Adobe application, select to export content for testing, preview the content, or save the content for devices. For example, in Flash the command is Control > Test Movie and in Photoshop the command is File > Save for Web & Devices.