

Preview a movie on a virtual mobile device using After Effects

Using Adobe Device Central, you can preview movies formatted for mobile devices in emulations of those devices. This option is available for most of the H.264 formats listed in the Adobe Media Encoder.

  1. Start After Effects.
  2. In the Project panel, select the composition to preview.
  3. Choose Composition > Add to Render Queue.
  4. In the Render Queue panel, click the underlined text to the right of Output Module, or select Custom from the Output Module menu.
  5. In the Output Modules Settings dialog box, choose H.264 from the Format menu.
  6. In the Export Settings section of the H.264 dialog box, select Open in Device Central.
  7. Modify other settings as desired and click OK.
  8. Click OK to close the Output Module Settings dialog box.
  9. In the Render Queue panel, click Render.

    Rendering may take a few minutes, depending on the size of the file. When rendering is complete, a temporary file is displayed in the Adobe Device Central Emulator tab. To continue testing, double-click the name of a different device in the Device Sets or Available Devices lists.