

Optimizing Flash Lite frames for mobile devices

  • Most devices that support Flash Lite play back content at about 15 to 20 frames per second (fps). The frame rate can be as low as 6 fps. During development, set the document frame rate to approximate the playback speed of the target device. This shows how the content will run on a device with limited performance. Before publishing a final SWF file, set the document frame rate to at least 20 fps or higher to avoid limiting performance in case the device supports a higher frame rate.

  • When using gotoAndPlay, remember that every frame between the current frame and the requested frame needs to be initialized before Flash plays the requested frame. If many of these frames contain different content, it could be more efficient to use different movie clips rather than using the Timeline.

  • Although preloading all content by putting it at the beginning of the file makes sense on the desktop, preloading on a mobile device can delay file startup. Space content throughout the file so that movie clips are initialized as they are used.