
Get photos from a digital camera or card reader

For a video about using Bridge in a photography workflow, see

Adobe Bridge CS3 Photo Downloader

Name of connected device

Options for saving files

Options for renaming files

Options for converting and copying files

Get Photos

  1. Connect your camera or card reader to the computer (see the device’s documentation, if necessary).
  2. Do one of the following:
    • (Windows) Click Adobe Bridge CS3 Photo Downloader in the Autoplay window.

    • (Mac OS) In Bridge, choose File > Get Photos From Camera.

  3. In the Adobe Bridge CS3 Photo Downloader window, choose the name of the camera or card reader from the Get Photos From menu.

    Thumbnail images of every photo on your camera’s memory card appear.

  4. To remove a photo from the import batch, click the box to deselect it.
  5. To change the default folder location, click the Choose button next to Location, and specify a new location.
  6. To store the photos in their own folder, select Create Subfolder(s), and then select one of the following:
    • Today’s Date creates a subfolder named with the current date.

    • Shot Date creates a subfolder named with the date and time you shot the photo.

    • Custom Name creates a subfolder using the name you type.

  7. To rename the files as you import them, choose an option from the Rename Files menu. All the photos in the import batch share the same name, and each photo has a unique number attached at the end.
  8. To open Bridge after you import photos, select Open Adobe Bridge.
  9. To convert Camera Raw files to DNG as you import them, select Convert To DNG.
  10. To save copies of photos as you import them, select Save Copies To and specify a location.
  11. (Optional) To apply metadata, click Advanced Dialog and type information in the Author and Copyright text boxes, or choose a metadata template from the Template To Use menu.
  12. Click Get Photos. The photos appear in Bridge.