Switch to Compact mode when you want to shrink the Bridge window. In Compact mode, the panels are hidden and the Content panel is simplified. A subset of common Bridge commands remains available from the pop‑up menu in the upper-right corner of the window.
By default, the Compact mode Bridge window floats on top of all windows. (In Full mode, the Bridge window can move behind other windows.) This floating window is useful because it is always available as you work in different applications. For instance, you might use Compact mode after you select the files you plan to use, and then drag them into the application as you need them.
Choose commands from the menu at the upper-right corner of the Bridge window.
Click the Switch To Ultra Compact Mode button to
hide the Content panel, further minimizing the Bridge window. You
can click the button again to return to Compact mode.
Click the Switch To Full Mode button to
return to Full mode, displaying the panels, and letting Bridge move
behind the current window.