
Using Adobe Device Central with Adobe Bridge

Device Central enables creative professionals and developers that use Adobe Bridge to preview how different types of files, such as Photoshop, Flash, and Illustrator files, will look on a variety of mobile devices. This ability can streamline the testing workflows for a variety of file types. Adobe Bridge also provides direct access to Device Central without having to open a Creative Suite 3 component such as Photoshop or Flash first.

For example, a designer who uses several Creative Suite components may use a folder in Adobe Bridge to organizes a variety of files used in the same project. The designer can navigate to that folder in Adobe Bridge and, in turn, view how a Photoshop image, a Flash file, and an Illustrator file will look on a mobile device.

Previewing content from Adobe Bridge is also useful if you are reusing existing content. For example, you may have some wallpaper files you created some time ago for a certain group of devices. Now, you may want to test the wallpaper files on the newest mobile devices. Simply update the profile list in Device Central and test the old wallpaper files on the new devices directly from Adobe Bridge.