
Access Adobe Stock Photos from behind an authenticating proxy server

If your computer network requires that you log in to access the internet, Adobe Stock Photos will display a dialog box for you to enter your credentials (user name and password).

Adobe Stock Photos supports basic authentication for both HTTP and HTTPS protocols. Depending on your system, you may be asked to enter a user name and password for both protocols. If one of the protocols on your network is behind a proxy and the other is not, you will not be able to access all features of Adobe Stock Photos. When you enter your user name and password, Adobe Stock Photos securely stores the information on your compute as encrypted information.

Note: In addition to the Adobe Stock Photos Proxies Credentials dialog box, you will be prompted for credentials on a per-session basis in additional dialog boxes. If you try to access an Adobe Stock Photos service and the credentials available within Adobe Stock Photos is not correct, you will be reprompted for the credentials in the Adobe Stock Photos Proxies Credentials dialog box.

On Mac OS, you must be running Mac OS 10.3 or later to use Adobe Stock Photos from behind an authenticating proxy server. The user name and password you enter in the Adobe Stock Photos Proxies Credentials dialog box affect global user name and password settings and will be reflected in system preferences.

You can change or remove your user name and password in the Adobe Bridge preferences.

  1. In Adobe Bridge, choose Edit > Preferences (Windows) or Bridge > Preferences (Mac OS).
  2. Choose Adobe Stock Photos on the left and click Enter Proxy Details.
    Note: The Enter Proxy Details option doesn’t appear unless you are behind an authenticating proxy server.
  3. Change or clear your user name and password.
  4. Click OK and exit Preferences.

For up‑to‑date information about Adobe Stock Photos proxy authentication, see