
View images as a slide show

The Slideshow command lets you view thumbnails as a slide show that takes over the entire screen. This is an easy way to work with large versions of all the graphics files in a folder. You can pan and zoom images during a slide show, and set options that control slide show display, including transitions and captions.

View a slide show

 Open a folder of images, or select the images you want to view in the slide show, and choose View > Slideshow.

Display commands for working with slide shows

 Press H while in Slideshow view.

Slide show options

Press L while in Slideshow view or choose View > Slideshow Options to display options for slide shows.

Display options
Choose to black out additional monitors, repeat the slide show, or zoom back and forth.

Slide options
Specify slide duration, captions, and slide scaling.

Transition options
Specify transition styles and speed.