
Search for files and folders

You can search for files with Bridge using multiple combinations of search criteria. You can save your search criteria as a collection, so that you can perform the same search again later.

For a video on searching for files with Bridge, see

Search for files and folders with Bridge

  1. Choose Edit > Find.
  2. Choose a folder in which to search from the Look In menu.
  3. Choose search criteria by selecting options and limiters from the Criteria menus. Enter search text in the text box on the right.
  4. To add search criteria, click the plus sign (+). To remove search criteria, click the minus sign (-).
  5. Choose an option from the Match menu to specify whether any or all criteria must be met.
  6. If you’re searching a Version Cue project, do any of the following:
    • Choose an option from the Limit To menu to limit search results.

    • Choose an option from the Rank menu.

      Note: Rank data is supplied by Digital Asset Management (DAM) providers. If you’re searching a project without rank data, this menu will not appear.
    • Choose an order for the search results from the Order menu.

    • Select Search All Versions Of A File to include past and current versions of Version Cue files in the search.

    • Select Start From Current Folder to search an entire Version Cue project, even if you chose a subfolder of the project in step 2.

    • Select Search In Deleted Files to search files deleted from a Version Cue project.

  7. (Optional) Select Include All Subfolders to expand the search to any subfolders in the source folder.
  8. (Optional) Select Include Non-Indexed Files to specify that Bridge search uncached as well as cached files (by default, Bridge searches only folders that it has cached—that is, folders that you have already opened in Bridge).
  9. (Optional) To save the search criteria, click Save As Collection. In the Save Collection dialog box, specify a name and location for the collection, and then click Save. To specify that Bridge applies the collection to the currently viewed folder, select Start Search From Current Folder (if you don’t select this option, Bridge will use the folder you specified when you created the collection). To specify that a shortcut to the collection be placed in the Bridge Favorites panel, select Add To Favorites.
  10. Click Find.

Open a collection

A collection is a saved search. When you open a collection, you run the search again in the location you specified when you created the collection.

 Navigate to the location in which you saved the collection, and double-click the collection.

A new Bridge window appears containing the results of the search.

By default, if you select a file in a collection, the file is listed as being located in the collection folder. To navigate to the folder in which the file is actually located, choose File > Reveal In Bridge.