Tool |
Description |
Sticky Note tool |
Add a sticky note comment |
Text Edits tool |
Create comments that indicate that text in a PDF should be inserted, deleted, or replaced |
Text Edits > Replace Selected Text |
Replace selected text |
Text Edits >Highlight Selected Text |
Highlight selected text |
Text Edits >Add Note To Selected Text |
Add a sticky note to selected text |
Text Edits >Insert Text At Cursor |
Insert text at the cursor |
Text Edits >Underline Selected Text |
Underline selected text |
Text Edits >Cross Out Text For Deletion |
Cross out selected text |
Stamps |
Add stamp comments |
Highlight Text tool |
Highlight selected text |
Underline Text tool |
Underline selected text |
Cross Out Text tool |
Cross out selected text |
Attach File As A Comment tool |
Embed a file at a selected location in a PDF |
Record Audio Comment tool |
Add a prerecorded audio comment or record and place an audio comment |
Callout tool |
Create a text box comment that points to a specific area of the document |
Text Box tool |
Create a box that contains text |
Cloud tool |
Draw a cloud shape around text or an object |
Arrow tool |
Draw an arrow |
Line tool |
Draw a line |
Rectangle tool |
Draw a rectangle |
Oval tool |
Draw an oval |
Polygon Line tool |
Create an open shape with multiple segments |
Polygon tool |
Create a closed shape with multiple segments |
Pencil tool |
Create free-form drawings |
Pencil Eraser tool |
Remove selected pencil drawing lines |