Adobe Help and accessibility

Adobe Help is designed so that it is accessible to people with disabilities—such as mobility impairments, blindness, and low vision. Adobe Help supports standard accessiblity features and alternative keyboard shortcuts for toolbar controls and navigation.

Supported accessibility features

Adobe Help supports the following standard accessibility features:

  • Standard HTML tags define content structure.

  • Style sheets control formatting (no embedded fonts).

  • Each frame has a title to indicate its purpose.

  • Graphics without captions include alternate text.

  • If link text doesn’t match the title of the destination, the title is referenced in the Title attribute of the Anchor tag. For example, the Previous and Next links include the titles of the previous and next topics.

  • Content supports high-contrast mode.

  • Text size can be changed with standard context menu commands or standard menu commands for Mac OS.

Keyboard shortcuts for toolbar controls

Each control in the toolbar for Adobe Help has a keyboard equivalent in Windows:

Alt-left arrow


Alt-right arrow



Help For menu

Alt-down arrow or Alt-up arrow to navigate choices

Keyboard shortcuts for navigation

To navigate Adobe Help, use the following keyboard combinations in Windows:
  • To move between the navigation pane and the reading pane, press Control-Tab and Shift-Control-Tab.

  • To move through links within a pane, press Tab or Shift-tab.

  • To activate a selected link, press Enter.