Retrace your viewing path

You can find PDF pages that you viewed earlier by retracing your viewing path.
Note: It’s helpful to understand the difference between previous and next pages and previous and next views. In the case of pages, previous and next refer to the two adjacent pages, before and after the currently active page. In the case of views, previous and next refer to your viewing history. For example, if you jump forward and backward in a document, your viewing history retraces those steps, showing you the pages you viewed in the reverse order that you viewed them.

Retrace your path in a PDF

  1. Choose View > Go To > Previous View.
  2. To continue seeing another part of your path, do either of the following:
    • Repeat step 1.

    • Choose View > Go To > Next View.
      Note: You can make the Previous View button  and Go To Next View button  available in the toolbar area by right-clicking/Control-clicking the Page Navigation toolbar and choosing them on the context menu, or choosing Show All Tools.

Retrace your path through multiple PDFs

 Choose View > Go To > Previous Document or Next Document. These commands open the other PDF documents if the documents are closed.
Note: If Reader is open in a web browser, you can use the web browser’s Back and Forward options as usual to retrace your steps.